Bighorn sheep need protection

I have lived in the Hinton area most of my life, being born in Jasper, many, many moons ago. I have watched the progress of Cardinal River Coals digging coal on their sites. They have done a very commendable job of reclaiming what they disrupted. In the process, Cardinal has created habitat that sheep could only dream about. But, this is my concern: Somewhere in the future, Cardinal is going to complete their present diggings, either by abandoning it or moving into their Cheviot area. What about the sheep? At present there is no hunting on Cardinal leases, but after they are gone, then what? There are actually hundreds of sheep presently there. These sheep are quite at home in the presence of man. If one of the above takes place, who is going to protect them? If open hunting is then allowed one need only a slice of bread in one hand and a butcher knife in the other. There is no way the current Fish and Wildlife Division, having one officer in that whole area, will be able to police this. This is my personal view and in no way involves the Hinton Fish and Game Association.

Vern Truxler
Past President and life member
of the Hinton Fish & Game


The ALBERTA GAME WARDEN magazine encourages the submission of letters, articles, and photographs from anyone interested in conservation. Letters to the editor and other material submitted for publication should be mailed to:

Jason Hanson
5201-50 Avenue
Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada T9A 0S7
Sharie Cousins
WPM Place, 530-8 Street South
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 2J8

Articles or correspondence may be submitted directly to the editor's desk by FAX: (780) 352-7220 OR E-MAIL:

Deadlines for all submissions: December 1st, March 1st, June 1st and September 1st for inclusion in subsequent issue.

The magazine shall not be responsible for unsolicited materials.